Dr Saad is very professional. Did a thorough check and was very patient as I was trying to follow his instructions during the examination. He even too... see all reviews
Dr Saad is very professional. Did a thorough check and was very patient as I was trying to follow his instructions during the examination. He even too... see all reviews
Dr. Saad Al-Wreikat is a specialist in Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery.
He holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Jordan and completed his training and specialization at Al Hussein Medical City. Dr. Al-Wreikat obtained the Jordanian Board Certification in 2015.
Following that, he was awarded a scholarship by the World Medical Council to complete specialization in retinal diseases in the United States at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Subsequently, he underwent intensive surgical training for various retinal conditions under the guidance of renowned retinal surgeon Dr. Amar Agarwal in India.
Dr. Al-Wreikat also completed training in all types of vision correction surgeries such as LASIK, UltraLASIK, laser procedures, ICL lens implantation, and treatment for keratoconus. He received a diploma in refractive surgeries from the Miguel Hernandez University in Spain in 2016.
He holds the highest qualification in ophthalmology, a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow (FRCS Glasgow), and membership in the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh (MRCS Edinburgh). He is also a fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO).
Currently, Dr. Al-Wreikat has been running his private clinic since 2017, in addition to his role as a visiting physician at the Ministry of Health's Retina Surgery Department since 2016.
Routine surgeries performed by Dr. Al-Wreikat include: