Dr. Mohannad Abo Shehab is a Dentist. He is specialized in treating many different dental cases such as Hollywood Smile, dental laminate veneers and teeth whitening. In his clinic Dr.Mohannad Abo Shehab also provide conservative treatments, which contain all kinds of the usual treatment of the pulp, which is the withdrawal of the nerve, crowns and bridges of all kinds of Porcelain, metal, zirconium and EMAX and others, depending on the patient's condition. He is currently working in his private clinic.
Doctor of Dental Surgery,
Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt
Dr. Mohannad Abo Shehab is a Dentist. He is specialized in treating many different dental cases such as Hollywood Smile, dental laminate veneers and teeth whitening. In his clinic Dr.Mohannad Abo Shehab also provide conservative treatments, which contain all kinds of the usual treatment of the pulp, which is the withdrawal of the nerve, crowns and bridges of all kinds of Porcelain, metal, zirconium and EMAX and others, depending on the patient's condition. He is currently working in his private clinic.
Doctor of Dental Surgery,
Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt