طبيبة كتير ذكية ولماحة ومباشرة مع المريض ومتفانية بشغلها
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Professional Background
Dr. Natalia Al Shawabkeh is a Consultant in Cardiovascular diseases, Cardiac Electrophysiology and Internal Medicine. Dr. Natalia has graduated from Utrecht university center- Holland and she is a member of the European Society of Cardiology and a member of the Jordanian society of Cardiology. She has a wide experience in her field for about 25 years and in her clinic the latest equipments are available: such as Electrocardiogram(ECG), ECG express monitor, - 24, 48 and 72 hrs continues ECG monitoring, Echocardiogram (ultrasound and Dopplers: CW, PW, Color Doppler ). Dr. Natalia has worked previously as a senior consultant cardiologist at AlBashir hospital and was the supervisor of the Echocardiography section, she is currently working at her private clinic.