
What is vaginoplasty

With the development of medicine and science and the invasions of cosmetic surgery all over the world, it has become possible to overcome many of the problems that may affect women in particular. Although this type of operation is controversial in feminist communities, it has become common in many Arab countries.

In her life, the woman is exposed to a lot of hormonal fluctuations and mechanical changes that will affect the genital tract (vagina) from the outside and inside, since marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth change the vaginal shape and function by the laxity of the external skin and flabbiness of the internal wall more than normal which adversely affects a woman's marital and psychological life. Vaginal plastic surgery was one of the solutions that some women rely on to regain their self-confidence and part of their lost marital happiness, by restoring the vaginal wall and returning to its normal condition.

Vaginal plastic surgery is particularly dependent on narrowing the muscles and some of the tissues surrounding the vaginal canal from the inside or outside; to increase the level of friction during intercourse, which increases the level of satisfaction of the couple, and therefore reflects positively the family relationship as a whole.

Treatment in Jordan takes approximately 3 days.

What is the reason to undergo vaginal plastic surgery?

Some women may undergo vaginal plastic surgery because of vaginal laxity and prolapse after a number of repeated births, as a result of tissue tightening and muscle separation, which negatively affects the sexual relationship between husband and wife.

Preparations before the vaginal plastic surgery

Women undergo a number of tests and procedures prior to vaginoplasty at the request of a gynecologist and obstetrician, including:

  • Medical history.
  • Clinical examination.
  • Blood tests.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG).

Risks of vaginoplasty

Like any other surgery, vaginal surgery may involve some complications and risks, including:

  • Bleeding.
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia (in the case of general anesthesia).
  • Infection.
  • Continuous pain.
  • Blood clots in the legs.

Steps of vaginoplasty

Vaginal plastic surgery includes the following steps:

  1. Local anesthesia of the vaginal area if the vaginal repair is external, and regional or general anesthesia in the case of an internal vaginal canal surgery.
  2. Determine the area to remove excess skin, by drawing a letter V down from the opening of the vagina.
  3. The tissue under the skin in the vaginal canal is tightened up to the cervix after the removal of excess tissue, done through the vaginal canal without the need to make an incision in the abdomen. Different techniques may be used in this step, such as laser beams, radio frequencies, or the traditional scissors method (depending on the case).
  4. Close the wound with strong absorbable (within approximately two months) stitches.

Recovery period after vaginoplasty

The first period after vaginal plastic surgery may be a little annoying because of the pain associated with a deep itching inside the vaginal canal, this condition may continue for about two weeks after it begins to improve gradually, by continuing to take some types of pain medication, which may also include some anal suppositories for about a week after vaginal plastic surgery.

Some women may notice drops of blood for a week, followed by brown discharge for a week as well, after which they may turn yellow or green with an unpleasant odor due to the sutures that were used to close the wound during the surgery, so they are natural and do no need to worry.

Intercourse and use of tampons are prohibited for 8 weeks after undergoing vaginal plastic surgery. Some women may also be advised to use dilators (a silicon rod with a curved end) for a certain period determined by the specialist to widen the depth and width of the vagina and relieve intercourse pain, by leaving the dilator for approximately 10 to 15 minutes inside the vaginal canal.

It is preferable to maintain a certain level of light and non-exhausting physical activity, as well as to avoid constipation as much as possible by eating fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, or in some cases, laxatives may be used.

It is to be noted that the prevalence of vaginal plastic surgery immediately after childbirth is undesirable and is not recommended by most obstetricians and gynecologists as a result of the vaginal unpreparedness of such a procedure. The prevalence of vaginal plastic surgery immediately after childbirth is undesirable and is not recommended by most obstetricians and gynecologists as a result of the vaginal unpreparedness of such a procedure. Therefore, it is best to wait until the termination of the post-natal period and the stabilization of the uterus and vagina after puerperium.

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