Follicular Unit Transplantation

Definition of technology

Many people have recently become more inclined to overcome baldness problems by relying on hair transplantation using a number of available techniques. Although Turkey is considered to be the first destination for people who want to implant hair, but Jordan is distinguished by the elite group of doctors and specialists in hair implantation who have successful experiences in getting rid of balding.

Hair transplantation by transferring a slice of scalp skin from the posterior area to the bald area considered to be one of the techniques, which were initially deployed to solve severe hair loss problems, but were soon replaced by more advanced techniques such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) or DHI. 

Hair transplantation in Jordan takes approximately "3 days".

What are the reasons to use follicular unit strip surgery?

The cases where it is preferred to use FUSS technique for hair transplant are:

  • Cover the bald areas in the scalp.
  • Eyebrow hair transplantation.
  • Mustache and beard transplantation for men.
  • Some cases of baldness that do not require the transfer of more than 2000 follicles.

Pre-requisite tests before the follicular unit strip surgery

The person who wants to undergo hair implantation is asked to conduct a group of tests before implanting hair by any technique, including: 

  • Blood tests: CBC, HCV, PT, APTT, HIV ELISA, HBs AG, Bleeding time, coagulation time, Sugar level (glucose).
  • Electrocardiography ECG.

Risks and complications of follicular unit strip surgery

Hair implantation using FUSS technique includes the following complications:

  • Inflammation of the skin tissue in the donor area, especially in the case of deep cutting within the scalp or when repeating this technique.
  • The appearance of permanent scars in the donor area of the scalp, may be obvious in cases where this technique is repeated for the same person or if the strip is too wide.

Steps of follicular unit strip surgery

Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing the patient: The patient is required to stay away from smoking for two weeks before undergoing hair transplantation FUSS, also he should refrain from some drugs and alcohols at least for a day before the surgery.


  • During (FUSS)


  • The area of the scalp is anesthetized, and the surgeon then removes a piece of skin from the posterior area of the scalp, known as the occipital region. The incision is then closed with stitches.
  • Separate the graft from the scalp by cutting it into small sections of 500-2000 pieces, some of which may contain one follicle and others may contain several other follicles. These follicles are preserved by chilling them to preserve their structures and can play their role in hair germination in the desired places.
  • Precision holes are then made in the bald area to prepare it for the follicles extracted from the donor area, after that the follicles are implanted in the holes of the recipient area of the scalp.

Recovery period until the growth of new hair

The patient feels pain during the first days of hair transplantation and this can be controlled by taking painkillers, the patient also may cover his scalp with a bandage to keep new hair follicles away from germs and surrounding environment, so the patient may take some antibiotics according to the specialist's recommendation. The patient can return to normal activities two to five days after the date of hair transplantation.

The patient may have permanent scars where the strip is cut from the scalp, requiring to keep the hair long to cover the scar, so he may not be able to keep up with very short hair styles.

The new hair begins to grow within two to three weeks after restoring the growth characteristics of the follicles, reaching the required limit after approximately 8 months to a year of hair transplantation by using FUSS technique

A disadvantage of hair transplantation using FUSS technique is that it does not involve the transfer of more than 2,000 follicles, so it cannot cover large areas in the case of baldness.

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