الاستقبال ممتاز والطبيب راقى جدآ فى تعامله مع المريض وفاهم حاجه المريض وأتمنى له كل التوفيق see all reviews
الاستقبال ممتاز والطبيب راقى جدآ فى تعامله مع المريض وفاهم حاجه المريض وأتمنى له كل التوفيق see all reviews
Dr. Abdulmajeed Abdullah Al Ghamdi is a consultant in urology, laparoscopic surgery of urinary tract diseases and tumors, robotic surgeries, advanced urinary tract and abdominal endoscopy, and an assistant professor of urology. He holds the German and European Board in urology, and is a member of the German and European Society of Urology.
Dr. Abdulmajeed Abdullah Al Ghamdi has extensive experience, as he specializes in:
Dr. Abdulmajeed Abdullah Al Ghamdi currently works at the Saudi German Hospital in the University District in Jeddah - Saudi Arabia.