اقدم شكري وامتناني للدكتور محمد القرني وفريق العمل من استقبال وطاقم طبي الدكتور مميز ومستمع جيد للمريض علميه ومهنيه رائعه بارك الله فيه ونفع به see all reviews
اقدم شكري وامتناني للدكتور محمد القرني وفريق العمل من استقبال وطاقم طبي الدكتور مميز ومستمع جيد للمريض علميه ومهنيه رائعه بارك الله فيه ونفع به see all reviews
Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Al-Garni is a consultant adult oncologist. He holds a fellowship from McMaster University in Canada in medical oncology, gastrointestinal tumors and hereditary tumors, and a Saudi fellowship in adult oncology, in addition to the Saudi Board in Internal Medicine.
Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Al-Garni has extensive experience. He is the founder of the first genetic oncology programs in the Gulf, the first specific cancer control department in the Kingdom, and the head of the Scientific Committee for Gastrointestinal Tumors and their counterparts in the Middle East and North Africa. He specializes in cases of solid and hereditary tumors.
Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Al-Garni currently works at the blood and cancer Center in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia.