بسم الله نبدأ. من خلال تجربتي واختياري الطبيب وائل النعسان لأجراء عملية مراره لوالدتي .ان شاء الله سيتم اجراء العمليه على يد الدكتور وائل بعد الأستعان... see all reviews
بسم الله نبدأ. من خلال تجربتي واختياري الطبيب وائل النعسان لأجراء عملية مراره لوالدتي .ان شاء الله سيتم اجراء العمليه على يد الدكتور وائل بعد الأستعان... see all reviews
Dr. Wael AlNassan is a Consultant in General and Laparoscopic surgery, graduated from Damascus University. Dr. Wael has certified the Jordanian board certificate and he is a member of the Jordanian Surgical Society, and fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Wael had a wide experience in general and laparoscopic surguries for more than 20 years and had won many awards and medals. He is interested in treating all general and laparoscopic surgeries such as: Treatment of obesity with surgery, medicinal methods or other conservative methods, sleeve gastrectomy operations, Classic and mini gastric bypass operations, Hernia repair, Adenectomy, Cholecystectomy, Varicose vein operations, and many other treatments. Dr. Wael is working in his private clinic located in eye specialty hospital.