استشارة اون لاين مع الدكتور معن ، وكأني في عيادته ، رحابة صدر وبشاشة وجه وحسن استماع وتشخيص ممتاز ، وان شاء الله ربنا ينفع بالعلاج ، اسال الله ان يوفق... see all reviews
استشارة اون لاين مع الدكتور معن ، وكأني في عيادته ، رحابة صدر وبشاشة وجه وحسن استماع وتشخيص ممتاز ، وان شاء الله ربنا ينفع بالعلاج ، اسال الله ان يوفق... see all reviews
Dr. Maen Al-Abki is a specialist in psychiatry and addiction treatment. He holds the Jordanian Board and the Arab Board of Psychiatry. Dr. Maen started his career in the field of psychiatry, where he graduated from the bachelor's degree with excellence and obtained his specialty from the Islamic Hospital and trained in the center of Rashid hospital. Dr. Maen deals with all aspects of mental illness and treatment of addiction, including the most prominent cases such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Dr. Maen is a pioneer in the field of psychiatry where he has many scientific articles in the field of mental illness. And he offers his excellent treatments and consultation in his clinic and located in Shmeisani.