الله يسعده الدكتور باين فاهم وممتاز وان شاءالله نقوم بزيارته في الاردن see all reviews
الله يسعده الدكتور باين فاهم وممتاز وان شاءالله نقوم بزيارته في الاردن see all reviews
Dr. Feras Alrahahleh is a Gastroenterology and Hepatology specialist and Internal medicine consultant. Dr. Feras holds the Jordanian board certificate of Gastroenterology and hepatology and the Jordanian board certificate in Internal medicine.
Dr. Feras is a member of the Jordanian Internal medicine society, the Jordanian society of Gastroentrology, and he is a member of the european society of Gastroentrology.
Dr. Feras is a fellow of the royal College Of Physicians -UK .
Dr. Feras has a wide experience as he has been working for more than 15 years in the medical royal services, and working currently in his private clinic.