أ.د. جودت أحمد المساعيد see all reviews
أ.د. جودت أحمد المساعيد see all reviews
Dr. Alaa El-Din El-Amad, Consultant Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgeon
Dr. Aladdin as a consultant has extensive experience over 30 years in tonsillectomy, nasal polyps, nasal polyps, rhinoplasty, and endoscopic sinus operations.
Dr. Aladdin Al-Amad holds many courses in endoscopic sinus operations, and he has extensive and long experience in the field of ear, nose and throat, where he worked for more than thirty years, during which he held the position of head of the ear, nose and throat department in the hospitals of the Jordanian Ministry of Health.
Dr. Aladdin provides his distinguished treatments and consultations in his private clinic in Amman - Marj Al-Hamam.