Dental house is a Dental center For oral and dental implants we are pleased to serve you with all the latest services of the latest devices in the world. The center consist of a professional team that provide a wide range of dental services, including Preventive Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry , Root Canal Treatment , Pediatric Dentistry , Prosthodontics , Orthodontics , Periodontics , Oral Surgery , Implantation and many more dental treatments. The names of doctors in the center: Dr. Khalid Al-Borini Specialist of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 20 years experience in Dentistry and the owner of Al-Ibtasah Center in Kuwait. Dr. Moath El Salek Specialist in the Cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Aisha Orthodontist, Dr. Bassel Al Borini General Dentist. The center is located in Gardens street.