Treatment of hemorrhoids by laser

Treatment Description

The hemorrhoid laser procedure is known as one of the modern techniques that may be used by many specialists of general and laparoscopic surgery after the failure of drugs and the usual methods of changing the quality of food and others to rid the patient of hemorrhoid. General and laparoscopic specialists rely on lasers that shrink the hemorrhoid through a very small opening through which the rays are inserted.

A hemorrhoid is defined as a group of swollen blood vessels (such as veins) that appear around the anus or in the inner cavity of it (external hemorrhoid) or in the lower rectum (internal hemorrhoid). Hemorrhoids are four stages, vary depending on their severity, while grade 1 and 2 symptoms are slightly discomfort and some pain during abowel movement, grade 3 and 4 hemorrhoids are often more severe and may be associated with bleeding, so the medical intervention is necessary.

Laser hemorrhoidectomy is one of the modern methods that can rid the patient of the hemorrhoid in a short time and with less pain compared to traditional hemorrhoid surgery, in addition to a shorter period of full recovery.

What is the reason to undergo laser hemorrhoidectomy?

A general and laparoscopic surgeon can decide a patient's laser hemorrhoidectomy surgery because of a range of uncomfortable symptoms that make daily activities difficult. For example, in cases of external hemorrhoids; a swollen lump of veins accompanied by itching and pain, especially when defecating, which is disturbing and requires visiting a surgeon to remove it, while in case of internal hemorrhoids; it prolapse or protrudes from the anus accompanied with bleeding with each bowel movement process, which is painful and intolerable.

Constipation is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids due to digestion problems because of low-fiber diet and not taking a healthy food which are beneficial for the body. Obesity can be another factor that increases the incidence of hemorrhoids.

Pre-requisite tests before laser hemorrhoidectomy

The patient undergoes a series of tests before the laser hemorrhoidectomy surgery, including:

  • Blood tests.
  • Pregnancy test.


It should be noted that some cases in which the patient is old and accompanied by pain in the anus bleeding, he should undergo a gastrointestinal endoscopy to rule out any other problems.

Complications of laser hemorrhoidectomy

Although the complications of laser hemorrhoidectomy are rare but they may occur, including:

  • Problems accompanied the anesthesia; include respiratory problems and other allergic reactions.
  • Infection.
  • Bleeding.
  • Pain.

Steps of laser hemorrhoidectomy

Laser hemorrhoidectomy surgery can be divided into three stages:

  • Patient preparation

The patient is asked to stop taking medications such as blood thinners, in addition to herbal supplements to avoid bleeding during and after the surgery, and to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohols for a week or two before the surgery.

  • During the surgery:

Laser hemorrhoidectomy surgery includes the following steps:

  1. Anesthetizing the patient (general or local or regional anesthetic).
  2. Making a tiny opening in the anus.
  3. Inserting a very thin fiber-optic cord -connected to a device- into the anal canal, at a certain point, a group of laser pulses begin to excise or vaporizes swollenveins or blood vessels (hemorrhoids), causing them to shrink.

Laser hemorrhoidectomy surgery often takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

  • After surgery:

The patient can leave the hospital or general and laparoscopic surgeon’s clinic the after about two hours after being assured of his health, he may feel mild pain and discomfort for a few days.

Recovery period

The recovery period of the laser hemorrhoids surgery does not take long, as the patient can return to work normally after two days of rest at most, and then adhere to a new health system that includes improving the quality of food and making sports activities part of his daily life to avoid the return of hemorrhoids again.

Post laser hemorrhoid surgery tips for patient include taking fiber-rich food which is found in whole grains, vegetables and a fruit, also drinking water is very important in avoiding constipation, hemorrhoids as a result.

Sitz baths after laser hemorrhoid surgery may also help relieve pain.


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