
Treatment Description

Dentures are considered to be one of the solutions that dentists may use to compensate patients for their missed teeth. Some patients may reach a certain stage of tooth loss when it is difficult to chew food and speak, also that affects the overall appearance, which negatively affects the person's life.

The dentures are divided into complete, partial, fixed and movable. Mouth and dental surgeon may install a complete fixed or movable set of teeth if all teeth are lost. In other cases, movable partial dentures maybe installed on teeth that are either exist in the mouth already or after implanting them.This allows the patient to remove the denture during certain periods to clean the mouth and then return it.

The patient needs to consult and visit the dentist several times before the final form of the appropriate denture is approved. The last period has seen a significant development in the denture structure to match the normal shape of the gums and take into consideration the problems that patients suffered from in the past.

It takes about 5 to 6 days to install the denture.

Types of dentures

Available dentures vary and differ, but they are divided into three main categories, includes:


  • Conventional dentures: They are moving dentures installed after removing all remaining teeth, where the dentist is waiting until the gums are fully cured. Installation of this type of dentures may take approximately 8 to 12 months.
  • Immediate dentures: Dentures are fully movable as conventional, but they are characterized by fast installation so the patient does not need to wait for long periods of time without teeth. However, it requires multiple visits to the dentist to adjust the denture with the gums during this period.
  • A dental prosthesis or partial denture: The oral and dental surgeon will install the dental kit while retaining some natural teeth after they are well prepared to install the denture on them. Sometimes teeth are implanted to fix the denture on.

Procedures before installation of dentures

If the decision is made to install a denture, a series of procedures will begin in the dentist clinic before the adoption of the best denture for the patient, including:

  • Take a series of the patient's dental jaws' prints to determine the required measurements and the rate of jaw spacing from each other.
  • Transform these prints into wax or plastic molds to mimic the shape of the denture to be installed for the patient.

The patient tries the molds several times to check the suitability of the shape and color before adopting the final form of the dentures.

Side effects of dentures installation

Although some patients need to put on dentures, but it may cause some problems and side effects in the first period, including:

  • Bad smell of mouth.
  • Ulcers and irritation in the mouth.

Post installation of dental kit

           The first period of having dentures is a bit difficult because the patients is not used to the dentures and feels like having a strange object in his mouth. But as the time passes, the patients will get used to his new denture and becomes easier to deal with. Dentists advise people to wear their dentures during the day and at night in the first few months until the new kit gets fitted with the gums and the mouth in general. After that period, the patient can take off the dentures while sleeping and give the gums the chance for natural cleaning of the tongue and saliva in the mouth.

            Chewing on food may feel annoying at first because the patients in not used to it, but soon it become easier.  Therefore, patients are advised to rely on soft food in the beginning and to use both sides of the teeth during chewing in the first few months of the denture installation. Gradually the patient can move to eating different types of food. Some patients may have problems pronouncing certain words; this problem may be overcome by repeating these words.

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