Beard Hair Transplant

Definition of beard hair transplantation

With the prevalence and development of hair transplantation in recent decades, many are turning to this type of remedies for the treatment of multiple hair loss problems, whether genetic or as a result of an accident. Beard and mustache hair transplantation is one of the most spread transplants among men who suffer from weak hair growth in these areas or without hair in some other cases, this technique relies on the harvesting of follicles from the appropriate hair located in the back of the head and transplanting them in the target area, whether the beard or mustache.

The chin area is an important area for the man, it is often reflected on his self-confidence through the appearance that given by the presence of hair or not, so it is very important to adopt a very professional dermatologist in this field to ensure the best results without any significant complications.

It takes about two to three days to transplant beard and mustache hair.

Pre-requisite tests before the beard hair transplantation

The person who wants to undergo hair implantation is asked to conduct a group of tests before implanting hair using and technique, including: 

  • Blood tests: CBC, HCV, PT, APTT, HIV ELISA, HBs AG, Bleeding time, coagulation time, Sugar level (glucose).
  • Electrocardiography (ECG).


Risks and complications of beard hair transplantation

Hair transplantation has some complications, including:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Scars appear at the hair transplant site.
  • The appearance of new (transplanted) hair does not look natural.
  • Folliculitis.
  • Loss of some of the original hair of the donor area.

Steps to grow beard hair

Several techniques can be used for beard hair transplantation; following are the used techniques with an explanation for each:

  1. Beard hair transplantation by follicular unit strip surgery FUSS: The area of the scalp to be applied is anesthetized, and then the specialist cuts a strip of the skin in the posterior area of the scalp or what is known as the occipital area after being locally anesthetized, the incision is then closed with stitches, then the cut strip from the scalp is separated by cutting it into small sections of 600 to 700 as required, some may contain one follicle and others may contain several other follicles, a precise holes are then made in the beard area to prepare them for the transplantation of the follicles extracted from the donor area, after that the follicles are inserted in these holes.


  1. Beard hair transplantation with Choi pens DHI: The hair follicles extracted through the pens are put directly into the beard area along with hair growth direction, where they are pressed with pens to bring the extracted follicle into the follicle channel.
  2. Beard hair transplantation with FUE technique: The hair follicles are extracted one by one from the back of the scalp after shaving it, and then the harvested follicles are kept in a special solution and selected the best ones to grow in the beard area. The beards are then sterilized and anesthetized and holes are made to insert the hair follicles consecutively.

* All previous techniques are performed after local anesthesia of the beard mustache.

Recovery period after beard hair transplantation

Scales may begin to form around the hair follicles grown in the chin area, but they are not allowed to be removed before 7 to 10 days, apply a moisturizing cream by gently patting the beard area and then washing it with a spray of water, it is recommended to do this till the second week to ensure the stability of the new hair follicles in the channels assigned for them, as the dermatologist and the specialist of hair transplant prefer to keep the planted area dry for at least 5 days.

The patient can carry out most of his normal activities and return to work the next day to grow beard hair.

The actual growth of the beard begins after about 3 months and continues until it reaches its desired effectiveness after about a year and continues as such.

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