Arm Lift

Definition of the surgery

Arm lift is a cosmetic procedure used by some people to get rid of excess fat and skin in the upper part of arms, and improve their appearance after getting rid of sagging skin.

What are the reasons to undergo arm lift surgery?

Some people may prefer to undergo arm lifting surgery to get rid of sagging skin and improve the overall appearance of them when it is not possible to remove sagging skin through sports or other weight loss ways, and often the cause of flabby arms one of the following:

  • Aging.
  • Significant weight loses.
  • Genetic causes.

Pre-requisite tests and procedures before arm lift surgery

Before deciding whether a patient's body can undergo an arm lift surgery, he or she should undergo a range of tests required by a plastic surgeon, including:

  • Know the patient's medical history.
  • Blood tests; to check the amount of hemoglobin in blood and kidney functions and to rule out infection and inflammation.
  • Lung’s function tests.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG).

Depending on the patient's condition, your surgeon may ask for some other tests.

Risks of arm lift surgery

Arm lift surgery may lead to several complications, including:

  • Infection.
  • Blood coagulation.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Asymmetry of both arms after the removal of skin and fat from them.
  • The appearance of broad and permanent scars on the skin in the arms.
  • Temporary numbness in the arms area as a result of the damage of the superficial nerves in the arm.
  • Damage of the lymphatic vessels.
  • Continuous pain.
  • Difficulties and problems in wound healing process.

Steps of arm lift surgery

Arm lift surgery includes three main stages:

  • Preparing for the surgery:

Patients are asked to keep away from smoking for several weeks before the surgery and continue afterwards to improve their chances of healing and recovery. In addition, the patient should stop using any of the blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, warfarin or ibuprofen, or anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements which may increase the chances of bleeding. 

The patient should refrain from eating and drinking for about 8 hours before the surgery.

  • During the surgery:
  1. Anesthetize the patient (general anesthesia).
  2. Making an incision in the arm often extends from the elbow to the armpit, depending on the area of skin to be removed.
  3. Remove existing fats and tighten internal tissues and fix them with stitches.
  4. Cut sagging skin.
  5. Fix the remaining skin over the area from which the fat was removed.
  6. Close the incision with stitches and wrap it with bandages.

Drainage tubes are placed in both arms under the skin to remove blood and accumulated fluids.


  • After the surgery:

After awakening from the anesthesia and reassuring the patient's health, he may stay for one night in the hospital, and in some cases he can leave the hospital in the same day, but he must come back after two or three days to clean the wounds and remove the drainage tubes which were applied under skin.

The patient is often given a range of painkillers and antibiotics during the first period after the arm lift surgery.

Recovery period

The results of the arm lift surgery are usually permanent and last for long periods, especially if the patient maintains a constant weight. A plastic surgeon may advise his or her patient to follow a set of instructions in the post-operative period to avoid complications, get the best results, and promote quick recovery opportunities, such as:

  • Avoid putting pressure on the arms or exposing them to any external force.
  • Avoid lifting your arms above the shoulder level for about a month.
  • Avoid sporting activities involving the use of arms for 8 weeks.

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