Gastric Banding (Lap Band)

Gastric band surgery (Lap band)

The gastric band surgery (Lap band) is one of the procedures for weight loss for those who have been unable to diets and exercise to get rid of excess weight, it is often ideal for patients who exceed the body mass index of 35. 

The gastric band surgery is to put a band near the upper opening of the stomach, which is a rubber band made of silicone, so the amount of food that the stomach can receive during the meal becomes a little compared to the past, a person feels full after a small meal of food.

The patient must be committed to liquid food for a certain period according to the instructions of the surgeon of obesity and weight loss, as the gastric band surgery is one of the operations that do not require a major surgical intervention; since it is conducted through the laparoscope, so the patient can return to normal life after a short recovery period.

The main thing that distinguishes the gastric band surgery and ensures success is the commitment of the patient to a new healthy habit, so as not to exceed the permissible limits of meals; the patient can then lose 35% to 45% of his excess weight and get satisfactory results.

The treatment period in Jordan is approximately 4 days.

Patient Preparation bеfоrе Surgery

The surgeon will see the patient before surgery and will determine their body mass index to make sure they qualify for surgery.  They will call the insurance company to make sure that the procedure is covered under the patient’s insurance plan. 

Blood samples may be taken and the surgeon may require the patient have a gallbladder ultrasound as weight loss surgery can predispose the patient to gallstones.  There may be preoperative classes to take before surgery and the patient may have nutritional counseling before the procedure.  Sometimes a visit to a psychologist is necessary to make sure the patient is emotionally prepared for surgery.

Visits to the patient’s primary care doctor may be necessary to make sure that the patient is treated for lung problems, heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes prior to having the lap band procedure.  Smokers will be asked to stop smoking for at least 2-3 weeks prior to surgery as this can slow the recovery process. 

Patients should not have the surgery if they are pregnant and should tell their surgeon about any drugs they are taking before surgery, including all prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, vitamins, supplements, or herbs they are taking before surgery.  Aspirin and other blood thinners are usually stopped a week or so before the procedure.

On the day of surgery, the patient should eat no solids or drink any liquids after midnight on the night prior to surgery.  If medication is to be taken the day of surgery, your doctor will recommend that you take them with only a small sip of water. The nurse will tell the patient when it is time to go to the hospital before surgery. 

Reasons to undergo gastric band surgery and the possible candidates

Gastric band surgery is undergone to reduce body weight in the case of obesity, exceeding the body mass index (BMI) of 35. 

Some patients tend to the gastric band surgery due to the failure of medicines and diets in reducing their weight, and some prefer the gastric band surgery instead of other operations such as sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass; because of the ease of the procedure and the need for lesser surgical intervention which requires shorter period of recovery.

Gastric band surgery also helps reduce the risk of problems that may be associated with obesity such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and high blood pressure with BMI 30 or more.


Preparations and required tests before gastric band surgery

Before confirming the patient's ability to undergo the gastric band surgery, he must undergo a series of tests, including:

  • Clinical examination.
  • Blood tests, urine analysis and radiographic photos to detect gallstones.

The Obesity and Weight Loss Surgeon may ask for some other tests depending on the patient's condition.

Risks and complications of gastric banding

Just like any other operation, gastric band surgery has some possible complications, include:

  • An allergic reaction with the anesthetic, such as breathing problems and blood clots in the legs and others.
  • Bleeding.
  • Inflammation.
  • Slipping of the wrapped band around the upper part of the stomach.
  • The need for another surgery.
  • Injury to the stomach or other nearby organs.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Nausea and vomiting due to food intolerance.
  • Gastric lining inflammation or stomach ulcer.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Expansion of the oesophagus in the upper part of the stomach band.

Steps of gastric banding surgery

Gastric band surgery which takes 1 to 2 hours approximately includes the following steps:

  1. General anesthesia.
  2. Conduct approximately 3 to 5 incisions in the abdomen and the insertion of the laparoscope and other needed surgical tools.
  3. Place a rubber band (similar to the ring) made of silicone around the upper (or near) opening of the stomach.
  4. Close the incisions.

*Re-fill the gastric band: It should be noted that the band that is placed around the upper opening of the stomach is connected to a plastic tube attached to a port installed under the skin in the abdomen; and if the band loosened with time, it is tightened by injection fluid (saline solution) through the piece near the skin.

Hospital stay after gastric banding surgery

Usually, the patients stay in the hospital for one day after gastric band surgery, it may take longer if complications happened.

Recovery period after gastric banding

It may take a few days before most of the patients can return to their daily activities after lap band surgery, while usually, patients take one week off from work, but the full recovery may extend until 4 to 6 weeks.

Diet and lifestyle after gastric banding

Gastric band surgery is one of the surgical procedures, which success depends largely on the commitment of the patient to a specific diet according to the instructions of nutritionists within the medical team.

The patient continues to rely on clear liquids during the first couple of weeks, the period varies depending on the patient's body response. Then he starts adding pureed food like vegetables, with the need to reduce the carbohydrates so as not to cause indigestion problems due to its accumulation.

 During the next six weeks, other foods such as meat and chicken can be eaten. It should be noted that reducing the amount of eaten food is the key to successful gastric band surgery and weight loss.

Gastric banding results and the expected weight loss after surgery

The average weight loss differs from one person to another, the patients can lose 35% to 45% of their excess weight after gastric band surgery.

Gastric band vs sleeve gastrectomy

(Will be added soon, God willing).

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Last update 17th August, 2021



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