Mini Gastric Bypass


Mini-Gastric Bypass MGB is a surgical technique often used to treat obesity (having a BMI greater than 35), sleep apnea, high blood pressure, joint diseases or type 2 diabetes. The mini-gastric bypass, or single anastomosis gastric bypass, is an effective procedure which combines some of the properties of a gastric sleeve and a Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass. The upper part of the stomach is divided into a tube, similar to the top three quarters of a sleeve, and then joined to a loop of intestine.

The MGB is safe, results in major weight loss, has a short hospital stay with short operating-time .so fewer early complications.

What to Exресt Aftеr Surgеrу

After a successful Mini-Gastric Bypass surgery, the patient must carry out lifestyle changes that will insure that the procedure results in long term weight loss.  The patient must follow the surgeon’s recommendations, perform proper care on their incision, and change their diet. 

The Expected weight loss after surgery is 70-80% of excess body weight By enabling an earlier feeling of satiety and fullness when eating a meal resulting in a healthy portion size also By decreasing the amount of calories you absorb from your food as a result of bypassing 150 to 200cm of the upper part of the small intestine.

Two years after the surgery, weight loss is 75-85% of excess body weight; five years after the surgery, the excess body weight loss is 70-75%.

As there is often malabsorption after the MGB procedure, the risk of malnutrition is high.  Patients have Lifelong usage of food supplements and vitamins, including folic acid, calcium, multivitamins, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. so regular follow-up visits and blood tests once a year are strongly recommended

Patient Preparation bеfоrе Surgery

Prior to the MGB procedure, patients need to prepare for the procedure.  This means dieting before having the procedure.Poor eating habits must be replaced by healthy eating habits prior to having the procedure.  Eating can no longer be for fun but should be to enhance nutrition.  Eating small portions after the procedure means that the patient will have to learn to eat less before the procedure.  If this does not happen, the new stomach pouch will often stretch, leading to weight gain after having the Mini gastric bypass surgery. 

If you take blood-thinning medications, you have to talk with your doctor before your surgery. Because these medications affect clotting and bleeding, your blood-thinning ,medication routine may need to be changed, in addition you have to stop any tobacco use.

Why It Is Done

Mini gastric bypass works both by restricting the amount of food that can be eaten at any one time, and by altering gut hormones involved in appetite control. Today, because of developments in laparoscopic surgery, the mini gastric bypass has started to come back into fashion and is being promoted as effective and quick  alternative to Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass.

After the Surgery

If the patient is considering  Mini gastric bypass  procedure, they need to make changes that last for the rest of their lives. Patient is usually able to curb their cravings after surgery and can become healthier. Interactions with people get better after MGB surgery. 

Lifestyle changes need to take place in order for MGB  surgery to be more effective. The surgery will not automatically cause you to lose weight.  In order to be successful in having this procedure, the patient will need to follow a strict diet and should adopt an exercise plan as well.

what is mini-gastric bypass surgery?

(To be updated soon, God willing).

Mini gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common and safe operations that obesity surgeons may take to help some people lose weight without having to follow harsh diets, and control health problems that may be associated with weight gain, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Mini gastric bypass surgery is similar to the traditional gastric bypass, but it is better and may involve less risks. It involves making one intra-abdominal connection (Anastomosis) rather than two connections, as in the traditional gastric bypass, resulting in reduced stomach size, thus reducing the amount of food consumed by the patient and reduce the absorption volume of some materials. Mini gastric bypass takes less time to complete than traditional one.

Reasons to undergo mini-gastric bypass

(To be updated soon, God willing).

Some obesity and weight-loss specialists perform a mini gastric bypass surgery for some obese people (BMI is often 40 or more) or for those with serious health problems associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, sleep Apnea, heart diseases or high blood pressure.

Tests and preparations before undergoing mini-gastric bypass surgery

(To be updated soon, God willing).

Before confirming the patient's ability to undergo the mini gastric bypass surgery, he must undergo a series of tests recommended by the specialist of obesity surgery and weight loss responsible for obesity cases, including:


  • Clinical examination.
  • Blood tests, which include: cortisol examination, complete blood test (CBC), thyroid hormone test (TSH), creatinine test, electrolytes test, blood urea nitrogen test (BUN), prolactin test.


The obesity and weight loss surgeon may ask for some other tests depending on the patient's condition.


Steps to perform the laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass surgery

Mini gastric bypass surgery includes three main stages:

  • Preparing for the operation:

The patient is asked to stop smoking for several weeks before the operation and continue to do so after the operation; to improve the chances of recovery, and the patient should stop using any of the blood-thinner drugs such as aspirin, warfarin or ibuprofen.

The patient must abstain from food and drink before the mini gastric bypass surgery in about 8 hours.


  • During the surgery :
  1. Patient receiving general anaesthesia.
  2. Perform 4-5 small incisions in the abdomen.
  3. Insert the required tools and instruments during the surgery along with a camera (laparoscope) to see what is happening inside the abdomen during the surgery.
  4. Separate the stomach into a small gastric pouch using the stapler.
  5. Attach the small intestine with the small gastric pouch after exceeding 150 cm (according to the patient’s body mass index).
  6. Close the incisions. 


  • After the surgery :

After waking up, the patient is asked to walk and move on the same day, and after reassuring his health he can leave the hospital the next day.

Mini-gastric bypass risks and complications

(To be updated soon, God willing).

As with all medical procedures, mini gastric bypass surgery may be associated with some complications by the incidence of 2.9%, such as the following:

  • Infection.
  • Blood clots.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Leakage of digestive extraction and food from the new pathway created between the intestines and the stomach.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Sensitivity to certain drugs or anaesthetic used.
  • Heart problems.
  • Gastric wall inflammation.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Vomiting in case of eating more than the stomach capacity.
  • Injury in the stomach, intestines or other organs during the operation.
  • Scarring in the abdomen may lead to subsequent intestinal obstruction.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Gallstones.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

Recovery period after mini-gastric bypass surgery

Most patients take 2 to 3 weeks for full recovery after mini-gastric bypass, they can return to their normal activities after that.

For best results and to avoid the possible complications after the surgery, patients have to follow doctors instructions as can as they do.

Hospital stay after mini gastric bypass surgery

Usually, the patient stays at the hospital for one night after undergoing mini gastric bypass surgery, in some cases he may stay for another additional day, depending on his health status.

Diet after mini-gastric bypass surgery

Diet after the mini gastric bypass surgery includes liquids during the first couple weeks, then gradually transferred to the soft food, and within a month the patient can eat normally again, but the food amount will gradually decrease, which means the possibility to reach target weight after about a year if strictly adhered to a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Minerals and vitamins supplements are recommended after mini-gastric bypass to prevent malnutrition.

Expected weight loss after mini-gastric bypass surgery

Weight loss after mini-gastric surgery ranges from 60% to 70% of excess body weight within 2 years, though, some patients are able to lose 100% of excess weight and reach the ideal weight, it depends on patients commitments to recommended diet and exercise.


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Last update on 17th August, 2021



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  2. Wechter DG. 2020. Gastric bypass surgery. Retrieved from 
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  9. Rutledge R. (n.d.). Complications of the mini-gastric bypass: 10 years experience. Retrieved from 
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