Forehead Lift

Definition of the surgery

Facial plastic surgeries are considered to be of the most popular surgeries in many countries in the world. They have spread very widely to include many procedures such as: eyebrow lifting, eyelid lifting, cheeks lifting and forehead lifting and tightening, which can all be performed during one operation, and it is possible to perform only one, depending on the patient's needs, they areknown as a facelift as a whole.

Many people, especially women, may have a facelift to restore the youthful appearance of the face and get rid of sagging skin. Facelift surgery may be preceded by many procedures that may be a primary solution to overcome facial problems such as filler, mesotherapy, plasma and other non-surgical solutions provided by medical technology development periodically, but the need for some facelifts such as eyebrow lift, forehead lift and others are necessary at some point.

Treatment in Jordan takes approximately 3 days.

What are the reasons to undergo forehead and eyebrows lift surgery?

Some people may resort to forehead and eyebrows lifting in the following cases:

  • Wrinkles and clear lines form in the forehead.
  • Sagging of the eyebrows.
  • The formation of deep grooves between the eyes.
  • Sagging eyelids and sagging skin over the eyes.

Pre-requisite tests and examinations before forehead and eyebrows lift surgery

Before undergoing a forehead and eyebrows lift, the patient should perform a range of tests, including:

  • Know the patient's medical history.
  • Clinical examination.
  • Psychological assessment of the patient's case.
  • Blood tests.
  • X-ray imaging.
  • Conduct electrocardiogram (ECG).

Risks of forehead and eyebrows lift surgery

Forehead and eyebrows lift surgery may have some complications and side effects, including:

  • Bleeding.
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthesia, such as breathing problems and others.
  • Infection.
  • Blood clots.
  • Blood vessels burst under the skin.
  • Damage of the nerves that are responsible for the movement of facial muscles.
  • Continuous pain.
  • Feeling numb and tingling in the face.

Steps of forehead and eyebrow lift surgery

This surgery includes three main stages:

  • Preparing the patient for the surgery:

Patients are asked to refrain from taking certain types of medications, such as blood thinners, which may cause bleeding during the procedure (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.). It is also recommended to keep away from smoking to help wound healing more efficiently, the surgeon define the period needed to adhere instructions according to the patient's health and psychological condition. The patient begins to fast from the middle of the night before the forehead and eyebrows lift surgery.


  • During the surgery: 

Forehead and eyebrows lift surgery includes the following steps:

  1. Anesthetize the patient either local or general.
  2. The procedure may be performed either in the traditional way by making an incision between the ears at the top of the forehead at the edges of the hair or through laparoscopic surgery through a set of small incisions through which special surgical instruments are inserted, then removing the sagging tissue and muscles in the forehead, cheeks or eyelids (as needed).
  3. Closing the incisions (or incision in the case of traditional surgery).


  • After the surgery: The incisions are covered with special and sterile bandages to prevent bleeding. The patient may experience pain and numbness in the first days after the surgery.

Recovery period after forehead and eyebrows lift surgery

The patient can check out on the same day without the need to stay in the hospital. He may take some pain medication for a certain period that is determined by the responsible plastic surgeon. The patient is advised to keep his head at a high level and not to lie down completely for about two to three days; to avoid abnormal puffiness in the face as a whole, it can also appear what looks like bruises and swellings around the eyes and cheeks, may last for a few days to a week then these symptoms begin to disappear gradually.

The patient is also advised to wear corsets on the face to increase the rate of obtaining the desired results. In addition, the patient have to keep the wounds clean and dry for about a week, the patient can then return to normal activities taking into account not to be exposed to what may reduce the chances of healing and adhere to the instructions of the plastic surgeon.

The results often begin to appear significantly for the patient and those around him after approximately two to three weeks, and in most cases are satisfactory and last for long periods ranging from 5 to 10 years.

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