Knee Replacement

What is knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is defined as a surgical procedure whereby the injured surface of the joint is replaced by an artificial one made up mainly of metal, polyethylene or plastic. The knee joint is an important joint in the body. It provides a certain amount of movement at the point where the femur meets the leg bone, so caring for this joint and trying to treat it in the case of injury is an important that the patient must take care of as much as possible.

Knee joint anatomy

(Will be added soon, God willing)

What are the reasons to replace the knee joint?

An orthopedic surgeon often performs this type of surgeries as a result of severe pain that a patient may experience due to one of the following common problems:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Arthritis after trauma such as bone fractures.

The symptoms associated with these diseases or problems are often very disturbing and it is difficult to practice normal daily activities, for example, the patient may feel pain in the knee, reduced ability to move the joint, deformity of the joint and perhaps lameness due to the inability to walk using it.

Preparations and tests before knee replacement surgery

The patient should undergo some tests before knee joint replacement, such as:

  • Medical history.
  • Clinical examination.
  • Laboratory tests such as blood and urine tests to check liver and kidney functions.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • X-Ray radiography of the knee and chest area for cardiac integrity.


knee replacement procedure

After anesthesia by the anesthesiologist, the surgeon makes an incision in the knee area ranging in length from 15 to 25 centimeters, and then removes the damaged surfaces of the bone within the joint and replace it with artificial surfaces and fixed well, then before closing the incision the surgeon moves the joint in a rotating and flexing way to verify its ability upon performing its previous functions, the incision then closed and the patient is moved from the operating room.

Risks of knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery includes some complications and risks, such as:

  1. Infection or inflammation in the joint area.
  2. Stiffness in the joint.
  3. Pulmonary embolism.
  4. Urinary tract infection
  5. Nausea and vomiting.
  6. Nerve damage in the knee or injury to a blood vessel in the same area.
  7. Deep-vein thrombosis.

It should be noted that all surgeries from the simplest to the most complex involve complications and risks, but not necessarily that one happens, but there is a possibility for this; therefore, the patient must be aware of them.

Patient hospital stay after knee replacement surgery

Patients usually stay at the hospital for 1 to 3 days after knee replacement surgery.

Recovery period after knee replacement surgery

The pain often disappears about a month after the surgery, and the patient can regain full activity and use the knee during movement smoothly after approximately 6 months to a year.

Immediately after the replacement of the knee joint, the patient may not be able to rest on the lower limb where the joint has been replaced, so he can use crutches or others for a short period to avoid damaging the new joint.

A physiotherapist can also help improve the patient's condition by helping to move his knee by following a certain program of some exercise which is appropriate for the case.

Tips after knee replacement surgery

It is advisable to follow the surgeon's instructions and tips after the knee replacement surgery, such as:

  • Stay away from sports that require the use of the knee mainly, such as jumping.
  • Avoid putting any weights on the knee.
  • Do not twist or bend violently.
  • Do not place a pillow under the knee area while lying down for long periods.
  • Start rehabilitations program with physiotherapist.

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Last updated on 28 December 2021



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