
From 2 visitors

Fees: 70 USD (Includes Translator)
Istanbul, Istanbul
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Waiting time: 30 - 90

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6/3/2024 11:40:52 PM

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Professional Background

In my 34-year medical career, which is more than half of my life, the excitement and sense of responsibility of the first day still predominates after thousands of surgeries. My father was also a physician, a neurologist. I always gave the same answer to those who asked me what I wanted to be in primary and secondary school: Neurosurgeon. When I started my neurosurgery specialization at Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital in 1992, my childhood goal was realized. Throughout my career as a physician, two points have always stood out from the others: 1. First, do no harm 2. The most important relationship between the doctor and the patient is the relationship of trust. In line with the principle of "first do no harm" in Turkish with "primum non nocere" in Latin, I have always preferred to perform safer surgeries under the microscope from smaller incisions. I have not performed any surgery where I am not entirely sure that the patient will benefit. For this reason, I always had to convince myself of the necessity of the surgery; then my patient I have not forgotten that the most important relationship between the doctor and the patient is the relationship of trust. How can a person entrust his most precious thing, his life, to someone he saw 15 minutes ago without a relationship of trust? I had the first walks of my patients whom I have operated for 28 years. Even if it happens many times after midnight… I always cared about the feeling of seeing the patient's doctor next to him at 03:00 in the night. I do not hesitate to give my mobile phone number to all of my patients. I would like my doctor to be available whenever needed. I do the same for my patients. In these lines, I felt the need to explain my perspective on medicine. Anyway, those who are curious can reach my resume, publications, in the following lines.


  • Medical Doctor, Istanbul University, Turkey



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