Dr. Osama AlBakri is a Dentist. He has been graduated from Jordan University. He is specialized in treating many different dental cases such as dental implants, Hollywood Smile, dental laminate veneers and teeth whitening. In his clinic he also provide many different dentistry treatments, which contain all kinds of the usual treatments, which is the withdrawal of the nerve with the latest equipment, crowns and bridges of all kinds of Porcelain, metal, zirconium and EMAX and others, both depending on the patient's condition and provides cosmetic and Esthetic Dentistry treatments.In addition Dr Osama treat most common oral diseases which are dental caries (tooth decay) and periodontal disease, restoration of teeth, extraction or surgical removal of teeth, scaling and root planing and endodontic root canal treatment. He is working currently in his private clinic.
Bachelor of Dental Surgery,
Jordan University, Jordan