محترم ومتجاوب وعلى ثقافة كاملة وكان يجاوبنا بكل صراحة ويجاوب على جميع اسئلتنا فعلا ما قصر الله يعطيه الف الف عافية see all reviews
محترم ومتجاوب وعلى ثقافة كاملة وكان يجاوبنا بكل صراحة ويجاوب على جميع اسئلتنا فعلا ما قصر الله يعطيه الف الف عافية see all reviews
Dr. Hazem Habboub is Consultant Interventional Radiologist. He got a Diploma in Medical Radio-diagnosis from University of Wales College of Medicine in the United Kingdom. He is the head of Radiology Specialty at king Hussein Medical center and was the Head of Vascular and Interventional Neuro-radiology at King Hussein Medical center and he works as a Consultant in diagnostic Radiology at Jordan University hospital. He is a fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists and the American college of Radiologists. He's working in shmesani.