ما شاءالله تبارك الله اسرع خدمه مع الاهتمام الجيد مع المريض حيث انني شعرت بانني لم أكن مريض see all reviews
ما شاءالله تبارك الله اسرع خدمه مع الاهتمام الجيد مع المريض حيث انني شعرت بانني لم أكن مريض see all reviews
Professional Background Dr. Farid Kanaan is an Ophthalmology Consultant, Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmology, UK, and holds a Master's Degree in Ophthalmology. Dr. Farid has previously worked as a professor and head of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Science and Technology and has worked in many other clinics. Dr. Farid has spent more than 15 years in this field and has gained extensive experience in many treatments and operations in ophthalmology. Dr. Farid has surgical and medical skills in ophthalmology such as cataract surgery with VAFCO, corneal operations, laser eye correction (LASIK, LASER and PRK) and retinal surgery and eye eyelid operations. Dr. Farid is currently working in his private clinic in Irbid.