الدكتور اكتر من رائع و كتير شاطر بشغلو بيعطي كل مريض حقو من ناحية شرح الحالة و طريقة العلاج و الممرضه كتير لطيفة و متعاونة see all reviews
الدكتور اكتر من رائع و كتير شاطر بشغلو بيعطي كل مريض حقو من ناحية شرح الحالة و طريقة العلاج و الممرضه كتير لطيفة و متعاونة see all reviews
Dr. Muhanedal-zoubi
- orthopedic surgery specialist
-member of the American Academy of Orthopedics-AAOS
- member of the Jordanian Orthopedic Association
-member of Developmental dysplasia of the hip organization
-member of the Jordanian osteoporosis prevention society -JOPS
- specialized in the treatment of bone diseases, surgery, fractures, joint replacement, treatment of sports injuries, knee and shoulders arthroscopic , early diagnosis of development dysplasia of hips in children by ultrasound, pediatric bone diseases, osteoarthritis and joint stiffness (using needles, hyaluronic acid and plasma PRP ) Treatment of spine pain and treatment of sports injuries (cruciate ligament and cartilage and meniscus ) with the latest therapeutic methods